African Nations Fellowship International is an apostolic platform connecting ministers, ministries and churches to expand the Kingdom of God and fulfill the God given assignment for Africa. This Platform offers Apostolic Leaders a level playing ground to express and execute their vision for Africa.

About Us

African Nations Fellowship International shares in all aspects of the urgent responsibility of the end time harvest, coming alongside Apostolic leaders to inspire their dreams and vision, equipping and empowering all believers to walk in the fullness of their calling and gifting ; Providing physical and spiritual assistance to felt needs in the society and to mobilize resources and support for mission projects in Africa.


We are Christ-centred, Holy Spirit empowered, Bible based and a covenantal people; a life-enriching community, who are vision driven disciple makers, leadership trainers and church planters who belong to an apostolic movement.


In every society, there are major spheres that affect every person and the collective culture. God uniquely designed and called each believer to be an influence through Christ’s power within spheres that shape culture. As we follow Jesus and live out our faith, the Kingdom of God will advance in our nations, and we will understand how to be influencers within the spheres of society where we are positioned. Understanding how the cultural spheres operate helps us be well equipped to carry out the Great Commission. (Read Matthew 28:19-20). God wants His people engaged in every realm of culture and on mission for Him.


To promote a unified voice of Apostolic movement

Implement a multi-faceted approach to build a nationwide, grassroots Apostolic coalition that provide instance access to a company of like-minded Apostolic Leaders

To advance the kingdom of God in every area of societal influence. There is what is known today as the Seven (7) Mountains of Influence. The seven mountains are seven spheres of societal influence that make up the mind molders that control Nations. He who occupies these mountains controls the harvest. The nations of the earth is changed and transformed through these Seven (7) Mountains i.e Business, Education, Families, Government and politics, Media, Art and entertainment, The Church, Ministries and Religion.


To develop a relational global platform: a network and fellowship of Apostolic leaders and ministries connected through relationships; a sharing of resources, gifts and strategies, a system of credibility and integrity to expand the Kingdom of God with combined worldwide resources to help fulfill the God given assignment for Africa.


Networking and fellowshipping together to expand the Kingdom of God.