I want to welcome you into the fellowship of the African Nations Fellowship International (ANF International), a Global network and fellowship of Apostolic Leaders and ministries. The Lord raised up ANF International so that men and women preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ could have a means of networking, fellowship, Godly counsel, encouragement, express and execute their vision for Africa.
Please read the contents of this Handbook carefully. Your understanding and compliance with the communication and accountability systems of ANF International are vitally important in order to flow together in harmony.
The ANF International office staff and leadership team are prepared to help you in any way possible. We want you to know that you are not alone in the ministry. We stand behind you and pray for you on a regular basis.
We appreciate your desire to be a part of ANF International and we consider it a privilege to have you as a member. We are here to serve you. May God’s richest and best be yours as you minister the Word of God to His people.
Yours in Christ,
President –ANF International
To promote a unified voice of Apostolic movement
Implement a multi-faceted approach to build a nationwide, grassroots Apostolic coalition that provide instance access to a company of like-minded Apostolic Leaders
To advance the kingdom of God in every area of societal influence. There is what is known today as the Seven (7) Mountains of Influence. The seven mountains are seven spheres of societal influence that make up the mind molders that control Nations. He who occupies these mountains controls the harvest. The nations of the earth is changed and transformed through these Seven (7) Mountains i.e Business, Education, Families, Government and politics, Media, Art and entertainment, The Church, Ministries and Religion.
To develop a relational global platform: a network and fellowship of Apostolic leaders and ministries connected through relationships; a sharing of resources, gifts and strategies, a system of credibility and integrity to expand the Kingdom of God with combined worldwide resources to help fulfill the God given assignment for Africa.
We are passionate about worshipping God and experiencing His presence manifested in our midst. We use contemporary music and instruments, and encourage visible expressions of heartfelt worship such as banners and dance.
We believe the Great Commission can be fulfilled in our lifetime. We regularly have short-time mission trips to train, evangelize, and disciple.
We are committed to reaching the lost and to taking our cities for Jesus Christ. We are involved in many different types of evangelistic outreaches, and we also seek to minister to the poor with food, clothing, and counselling.
We believe it is imperative for every believer to be disciple and trained. Whether through small groups, bible training centers, Sunday school, etc. The teaching of the Word is imperative.
Love is at the center of all we do and spiritually conscious in all our gatherings.
We lead mission-driven engagements, propel mission trainings and connect mission-driven partnerships
We promote transformational leadership to develop Christlike minds and institutions.
Membership in African Nations Fellowship International is by invitation only. You just need to be introduced by a current member as your sponsor. Qualifications for membership include: agreement in the principles, nature and purpose of ANF International. If you are invited to join the Fellowship as a member you will not required to leave or disassociate from current organizations you are in affiliation. This Fellowship upholds the principle of freedom of Association within and outside the Fellowship for all its members within the framework of our Evangelical Biblical position.
This form must be completed by December 31.Any member completing this renewal after December 31 will be assessed a late fee of $25.00.
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